Matt Redman’s latest album Beautiful News has a short and simple track at the end whose lyrics are…
If you know you’re loved by the King,
Then sing, sing, sing
If you know you’re loved by the King,
Then live for Him, live for Him
Despite its simplicity, I think he has captured something really profound about the two-fold way we must respond to the love of God revealed to us in Jesus…
- in word and deed
- in doxology and praxis
- with devotion and duty
- in the place of worship and the place of work
- with love for God and love for others
It is so easy to emphasise one at the expense of the other, and yet the one is hollow without the other. May we be people who both live well, and sing well.
Haven’t visited your site in a while. I like the new template.
thanks Stephen,
looks like you’ve updated your template since I last visited your site too – very nice
Thanks! Blessings!