Book Reviews

I have prepared my book reviews for the last two months but I am making a couple of changes to the way I publish them. The first is that I will post each review separately. This allows me to link to a specific book review. It also stops me rushing to finish books at the end of the month.

Also I will no longer stop rate books out of five in my reviews. This is for a number of reasons. First, I found I was rating many good books as 3/5 and some reasonable ones as 2/5 simply so I could reserve the higher ratings for really good books, but it seemed like an insult to what was otherwise a good piece of work. It probably would have been better if my scale was out of 10 rather than 5. Second, my criteria for rating a commentary are different to those for other types of book, which made it look like I recommended reading more commentaries than anything else. Finally, I make a lot of use of other people’s reviews, and what I want to know is what the book contained, what they liked and disliked and why. So my reviews from now on will hopefully give you a better understanding of what I consider to be the strengths and weaknesses. Ratings are only useful if you have exactly the same requirements for a book as the person doing the review.

You can in fact, still see my preferred ranking of commentaries by filtering on a specific book on my commentaries page, and I do intend to still mark those books that would have earned a 5/5 in some special way (perhaps an “outstanding” award).

November Book Reviews

This has been a busy month for me, not least because I have changed jobs. I now work for NICE ( So I haven’t read as much as I normally would (at least on theology – I have read a lot of programming books).

The Science of God (Alister E. McGrath) 3/5

Alister McGrath is undoubtedly one of the most brilliant minds of modern evangelicalism. His three volume “Scientific Theology” is highly acclaimed as a groundbreaking work bringing together theology with other disciplines (especially the natural sciences). “The Science of God” is the introductory work for those who do not have the time to read all three volumes, but don’t expect a simplified approach. McGrath expects his readers to be familiar with a number of philosophical terms and concepts which can make parts of this book inaccessible to non-specialists. What this book needed was a good editor / co-author to make this volume a bit more approachable. In places it appears that the condensation process has been rushed, with repeated phrases or whole sentences in close proximity apparently missed by the proof-readers. This is a shame, because the book itself offers some profound insights.

The book follows the exact same structure as the full work, with sections on “Nature”, “Reality” and “Theory”. In “Nature”, McGrath shows that it is far from universally agreed what “Nature” actually is. He argues that we not only can, but should approach nature from the Christian perspective of it as “creation”, seeing the Triune God as Creator. If indeed God is Creator, then an atheistic approach to nature will of necessity fall short of achieving an accurate picture of reality. Not that we should refuse to enter into meaningful debate with the wider scientific community – quite the opposite – but not to be afraid to offer a coherent system that rests on different presuppositions. Science has a track record of proposing theories that are later rejected (take the theory of light for example) – we just have no way of predicting what current understandings we have will be shortly proved wrong. So a scientific theology does not and should not expect to always exactly correlate with current theories.

In “Reality”, McGrath reviews various failed attempts to come up with one method of determining truth that can be applied across all disciplines. Sometimes mathematicians or natural scientists have claimed that they have a method of inquiry that is self-evidently correct. But this is not so easily translated to ethics, theology, history and so forth as we might have hoped, and recent mathematical discoveries have found that multiple coherent systems can be found completely independent to one another (for example non-Cartesian geometry). In other words, we have failed to agree on which, if any, propositions can be agreed upon by all rational persons.

He defends his own approach of critical realism, affirming that we can discover reality through scientific and theological methods while acknowledging our own participation in gaining that knowledge. Hence “social constructs” are to be considered “real” and valid terms for describing reality. What’s more he argues that different fields of study require differing but equally valid methods of discovering truth, without the need for a reductionist approach that boils all epistemology down to one technique. This is because of the differing ontological nature of different strands of knowledge, and he argues that this is so within theology as much as (for example) medicine.

Finally, in “Theory”, McGrath explains why theory (or in theology, ‘doctrine’) is necessary, as an attempt to explain reality. We cannot and should not attempt an “undogmatic” Christianity. He discusses the roles of analogies and their suitability for describing doctrines. He defends the category of revelation, arguing that “the central ideas of the Christian faith owe their origins directly or indirectly to God, rather than to unaided human reason”.
This book is by no means a systematic theology, but it proposes the basis for one that interacts with the natural sciences, and the historical developments of doctrines in a meaningful way. McGrath closes by indicating the projects he will be working on next, and while these are still a long way off, they will make fascinating reading.

The Message of 1 Timothy & Titus (John Stott) 4/5

Although this commentary does not cover all three pastoral epistles, Stott uses the introduction to discuss the arguments for and against Pauline authorship for the pastorals as a whole. He does not go into exhaustive detail, but the discussion is fuller than normal for the BST series. As he works through the book, Stott makes his usual comments on apostleship, emphasising the differences between Paul’s unique situation with the church of today. His discussion of gender issues is sensitively handled, and he argues for a creation principle of male “headship” which has varying cultural expressions. He then categorises women teaching alongside men raising their hands and women plaiting their hair – practises that will be appropriate or not in different cultures as expressions of this principle.

As he moves through the letter, Stott draws out the principles for Christian leadership Paul gives both for Timothy specifically and for all leaders in church life. The treatment of the subject of money in chapter six is particularly insightful, discussing simplicity and destitution. The book of Titus brings up many of the same themes again, and Stott describes the book as being about “doctrine and duty” – in the church, the home and the world. He brings out lots of practical application without simply repeating what he said in the commentary on 1 Timothy.

October Book Reviews

Hebrews: The Radiance of His Glory (John Piper) 5/5

OK, this isn’t a book, but there is more than enough material in these 52 sermons on the book of Hebrews to put together a commentary. Whilst not going through the book as slowly as he is currently going through Romans (170 sermons and counting!), he does not rush through, usually tackling 3-4 verses in each 30-45 minute sermon. And as anyone who has heard Piper before will tell you, this is not dry and academic expository material – Piper is passionate about getting his message across.

The book of Hebrews may seem a surprising book to choose for someone as vocally Calvinist as Piper because of its passages that seem to teach that you can lose your salvation. He deals with this, in my view, brilliantly, demonstrating that the author of Hebrews himself teaches the “perseverance of the saints” elsewhere in the very same book. So believing that the author was not confused, and did not contradict himself, he shows that endurance is the only true sign of a genuine faith (bringing him, not surprisingly, into line with the standard teaching of the Puritans).

The call to persevere in faith flows through the book, with John Piper repeatedly warning about the dangers of drifting in the Christian life. In fact, it would seem that much of the material for his recent (and excellent) book “Don’t waste your life” came from this sermon series.

Also prominent throughout the series is John Piper’s characteristicly honest treatment of the subject of suffering. Everyone experiences suffering in their life, and everyone will one day die. Add to that the fact that many great saints of Bible times and throughout church history have had do endure tremendous suffering and it is a wonder that preachers do not address this subject more often. John Piper doesn’t believe in the “I’ll worry about that when it happens” approach. His heart is for people who are ready and willing to suffer and die for the cause of the gospel, and who know how to make sense of it when it comes in whatever form (whether for the gospel or not).

You will need quite a lot of spare time to work your way through this series, but it will be time well spent. It would be ideal material for listening to on a daily commute. Prepare to be challenged to a seriously radical discipleship.

Power Through Prayer (E M Bounds) 4/5

This is just one of seven books E M Bounds has written on prayer. It is broken up into 20 chapters, each of which are fairly short making it easy to work your way through slowly. The book is directed at preachers and uncompromisingly calls them to put prayer as their top priority. Bounds argues that without prayer, a preaching ministry is useless, even if on the surface of things it seems to have some good qualities or results. The early chapters urge the preacher to spend more time in prayer, drawing repeatedly on the examples of great preachers from church history, demonstrating their own reliance on prayer. He is critical of those who are willing to put much time into studying theology or developing their rhetorical technique while neglecting prayer.

He sees prayer as the key to a successful and Holy Spirit anointed preaching ministry, almost to the point of saying that prayer is the only thing you need to get right – the rest will just follow. You could perhaps criticise him for coming across as legalistic in some places, and anti-intellectual in others but that would be to miss his main point. A preaching ministry is dead without prayer as surely as a human being is dead without oxygen. Don’t think you need to be a preacher to appreciate this book though, its call to prayer is a vital message for all Christians.

Paul For Everyone – Galatians & Thessalonians (N T Wright) 3/5

I had been looking forward to reading this book for quite some time, as the books of Galatians and Thessalonians contain subjects on which Wright has some unique things to say. Galatians of course brings up the issue of the “New Perspective on Paul”. As expected Wright does not see the book as an attack on teaching that the way for an individual to be saved is by works. Instead, he explains that faith, rather than circumcision is the “badge of membership” of God’s people, and that the issue at stake was God wanting to create a people from all nations rather than by Gentiles having to conform to Jewish law. While rejecting the Lutheran view of the law, Wright describes the law as a “babysitter”, performing a useful function, but no longer required when maturity is reached.

Thessalonians brings up the controversial issues of the rapture and the antichrist. Wright has argued strongly in other publications that the “coming” passages in the gospels are not to be read as prophecies of Christ’s “second coming”. Rather, they are seen as mirroring the Daniel 7 “coming” of the Son of Man to heaven (as opposed to from), or the long awaited return of YHWH and the end of the exile. The passage on the rapture is seen as symbolic language rather than literal. Wright provides good insight into the situation at the church in Thessalonica, linking up with the Acts accounts and demonstrating the relevance of Paul’s comments to them. In 2 Thessalonians, he avoids getting into debate on the identity of a future antichrist, favouring a partial preterist approach (he sees it as being fulfilled in AD70).

The Message of Daniel (Ronald Wallace) 4/5

Any commentary on the book of Daniel is in danger of getting bogged down in argument about dating and authorship and an overwhelming amount of background historical information. Wallace does well to provide a basic overview of the main arguments and necessary history as well as making his own case for Daniel as author without letting the introduction become unmanageably long.

The commentary itself is never far from practical application, particularly due to the parallels with Daniel’s situation for modern Western Christians. Like him, we are trying to live for God in a pagan culture, wondering what aspects of our culture we may accept, and what we ought to stand against. Wallace also draws out lessons from the contrasting attitudes of kings Nebuchadnezzar and Belteshazzar, both received judgement and mercy from God but responded very differently.

Whilst the first part of the book of Daniel is well known and loved, the second part is taken up with some vivid apocalyptic imagery which Christians either tend to skip over quickly or else come up with very fanciful interpretations of which 21st century characters and organisations it is refering to. Wallace takes a balanced approach, briefly explaining the options and drawing out relevant encouragements for us without feeling the need to explicitly determine who the 6th horn on the 4th beast is. He helpfully distinguishes between those prophecies clearly already fulfilled, and those that speak of the “end times”.

The Message of Hosea (Derek Kidner) 4/5

Of all the symbolic actions the Old Testament prophets were required by God to perform, Hosea’s is surely the most emotionally taxing. He married a prostitute, who bore three children, only one of whom was his, and then left him. Hosea then graphically modelled God’s grace and love by buying her back at great cost to be his wife again. Kidner has been careful to help the reader get a good overview of the flow of the book and its historical setting by providing some useful appendices (in fact, it would be nice if some of the other BST volumes could follow suit in this regard).

He breaks the book into two sections – the first being Hosea’s acted out parable of God’s love and then the prophetic message. In both parts, a vision of both the love and holiness of God shine through as the people are confronted for their sin and unfaithfulness yet the deserved judgement to come is not without hope because of God’s amazing grace. In the second part Kidner shows how Hosea consistently reveals their self-sufficiency, half-hearted religion and shallow repentance. The book ends with the amazing grace of God as he offers healing, refreshing and fruitfulness to those who will genuinely repent.

Recommended Books

Here are some of my all time favourite books reviewed for you. If you haven’t read them you should. If you can’t afford them, I’ll lend them to you. If you don’t have time to read them then stop eating and read these instead during mealtimes.

The Cross of Christ (John Stott) 5/5

At a conference organised by John Piper, a panel of speakers was asked what their book recommendations were. One of the recommended titles was The Cross of Christ, so I dutifully went and bought it along with some other recommendations the next day. It was advice well taken and money well spent, because this book is truly inspirational. It has opened my eyes to the glories and theology of the cross at a much deeper level than I had before.

John Stott’s style of writing is easy to follow, and while he doesn’t avoid academic discussions he seeks to make them plain to understand. The book starts off by dealing with the story of the cross, starting with some very helpful insights into the Last Supper. Stott then goes on to deal with the questions of “Who killed Jesus?” and “Why did Jesus die?”.

The book then goes on to develop a solid theological understanding of the cross. This is most helpful as it is easy to grasp only part of the picture without taking in the full meaning. Stott shows brilliantly the need to understand the cross both as satisfaction for sin, and as substitutionary. He deals masterfully with the many varied pictures of the cross in providing justification, redemption, reconciliation and atonement. He provides some great insights into the difficult subject of propitiation and its crucial role in a right understanding of the cross.

Throughout the book, John Stott explains the range of alternative viewpoints held amongst different theologians, and even those held by other religions and non-believers. In each case, he clearly and consisely explains their viewpoint along with their reasons for it and then goes on to systematically show where these views are inconsistent with Scripture.

After reading this book, you will undoubtedly be led to worship God for such a great salvation that demonstrates his power, love, wisdom and justice. Many hymns and choruses will come alive as their words take on a new richness of meaning for you.

When I survey the wondrous cross
On which the prince of glory died
My richest gain I count as loss
And pour contempt on all my pride
(Isaac Watts)

An on the cross, as Jesus died,
The wrath of God was satisfied
For every sin on him was laid
Here in the death of Christ I live
(Stuart Townend)

Let the Nations be Glad (John Piper) 5/5

The overall theme of this book is missions, but John Piper approaches the subject in a unique way. The book has only 5 (fairly lengthy) chapters and is gripping reading right from the opening paragraph. In fact if you simply read the first page in a bookshop I am quite sure that you will want to buy the book.

The first chapter deals with worship. Those who have read other books by John Piper will know that he has a great emphasis in all his writings that our chief purpose in life is to glorify God by enjoying Him. It is this perspective that enables Piper to show that worship is the ultimate goal of mission. “Mission exists because worship doesn’t”. He challenges us that we must be worshippers ourselves before we can call others to worship. “You can’t commend what you don’t cherish”. In this chapter he brilliantly shows by an overwhelming list of proof texts that God’s great passion is for his own glory. The chapter concludes by urging us to both commit ourselves and call others to the “white-hot worship of God”.

The second chapter deals with the subject of prayer. Piper uses the picture of a war-time walkie-talkie to explain that prayer is not for us to request refreshments but a strategic weapon in spiritual warfare. He gives an extensive list of things that people prayed for in the Bible and challenges us to consider the subject and goal of our praying.

The third chapter is even more inspiring and provocative. It touches on the difficult subject of suffering. He proves, again with a long list of scriptures, that we are called to suffer. He presents many moving testimonies from church history. This is perhaps the most challenging of the chapters in this book.

The remaining 2 chapters of this book are given over to proving 3 points of doctrine. Again, in his typical style, Piper attempts to put these questions beyond all reasonable doubt by quoting numerous Scripture references. The first two of these points, though controversial in some circles, are broadly accepted by evangelicals. These are, firstly, the eternal conscious punishment of hell and secondly, the impossibility of being saved apart from through faith in Jesus Christ. When put together these two sobering truths provide us with a theological basis for the urgency of mission.

The final point of doctrine Piper seeks to establish is a somewhat surprising one. This is that the goal of mission is not to save as many people as possible, but rather to reach as many peoples as possible. I must admit that this initially seemed a rather novel idea to me at first, but Piper argues very persuasively. After all, why send missionaries to evangelise in foreign countries and cultures when there is so much work to be done here, that doesn’t require learning languages and coping with difficult climates? It is because God will be most glorified by a redeemed community made up of every tribe, nation, language and people.

Communion with God (John Owen) 5/5

The writings of the Puritans have been somewhat neglected over recent years for two main reasons. Firstly, the stereotyped image many people have of them as being self-righteous legalistic kill-joys. Secondly, their writings are difficult to read due their use of old English and their long-winded arguments. If these two reasons are all that has kept you from reading Puritan writings then this little book is for you.

The book has been modernised and abridged, but vocabulary has only been updated where absolutely necessary so the book retains an authentic John Owen feel. Shining through the pages is John Owen’s vibrant personal faith and in places he breaks out into beautifully phrased praise to his Beloved. You can’t help but be inspired and humbled as you read these devotional and honest writings.

The book focuses on our personal ‘communion’ with God. Owen deals with our communion with each of the three persons of the Trinity but the main focus is on our fellowship with Christ. He defines our communion with God as “Our communion with God lies in his giving himself to us and our giving ourselves and all that he requires to him”.

John Owen draws heavily on the imagery from the Song of Songs to demonstrate the beauty of the character of Christ. Many of the chapters are simply devoted to focusing on Jesus. This approach is extremely helpful for personal devotion as you can simply work through the book in private worship. Most of the paragraphs are short and to the point, making it easy to read this book in short chunks.

There are also some very challenging passages on the need to examine ourselves and to live righteous and pure lives. Yet the grace of God is never out of sight and Owen is quick to condemn the legalistic spirit.

In conclusion, I can wholeheartedly recommend this book to you. If you have never read any Puritan writings before, I am sure you will be delighted to have found these treasures.

Showing the Spirit (D A Carson) 5/5

This book is an exposition of 1 Corinthians 12-14. As you may know, chapters 12 and 14 of 1 Conrinthians deal mainly with the gifts of the Spirit, tongues and prophecy in particular. Chapter 13 deals mainly with love and so rarely do you hear anyone speak on all three chapters at once. However, Don Carson clearly brings out a continuity in these chapters and a progression of argument running through them.

The book will be of great interest to those Evangelicals who are from the “open but cautious” when it comes to charismatic issues. Don Carson probably cannot be described as a charismatic but he does not take a hard-line cessasionist stance. Those who have been careful to avoid the use of these gifts in church life will find gentle encouragement not to be so antagonistic towards them. Those who attend charismatic fellowships will find the teaching on how these gifts are to be used in love and humility most practical.

One of the things that stuck in my mind was the suggestion that Paul is, in these chapters, responding to some questions that the Corinthians had sent him. In particular, they possibly asked the question “What are the signs of a spiritual (pneumatic) person?”. Was it speaking in tongues, or performing miracles? Perhaps it was great generosity or an act of martyrdom. Paul responds to this question by speaking rather of a “charismatic” person – someone who has been given gifts by the grace of God. The most important thing for a spiritual person is to live a life of love and so any gifts that God gives them should be exercised in love.

Don Carson is an expert in New Testament Greek and sometimes you may find his arguments hard to follow if your knowledge in this area is limited. Whether you’re cessasionist, charismatic or even “open but cautious” you will find things in this book to disagree with, but more importantly many things to think about and I certainly think you will have a much better overview of the unity of the three chapters this book covers.

Paul’s Letter to the Philippians (Gordon Fee) 4/5

This is a commentary in the NICNT series published by Eerdmans. It is aimed primarily at ministers and students of theology who are interested in carefully examining the Greek text and drawing out not only the meaning of each verse, but the flow of thought throughout the book. The footnotes are extensive and assume that the reader has the ability to read Greek text without transliteration. The main text however, doesn’t require this.

The book starts off with an introduction to Philippians as a letter along with a fairly extended discussion on exactly what genre of letter the book should be placed in. Don’t be put off by this section if you find it boring because things get a lot better later on!

The book of Phillipians has been boken up into 6 sections by Fee. With each section he provides a brief introduction to that section and then breaks it up again into smaller chunks. With each of these groups of verses he first carefully examines the translations (and possible alternatives). The NIV text is discussed in particular. These analysis of the Greek text can sometimes seem tedious but I found them particularly helpful for understanding the context and progression of thought throughout the book. After examining the text and explaining what Paul meant by each phrase and sentence, Fee provides some excellent insights into application for church life, our individual Christian walk and the more broad theological implications.

After reading this book, I found myself appreciating passages in Philippians much more than I had before. It took a long time to read but it was certainly worth it. I highly recommend this commentry to anyone who wants to seriously study Philippians. Gordon Fee obviously has an outstanding grasp of Greek and great knowledge of Pauline theology, but also his passion for that knowledge to be worked out in godly living shines through.

September Book Reviews

Paul for Everyone – The Pastorals (N T Wright) 3/5

Another highly readable volume in this series from Tom Wright. The books of 1 Timothy and Titus have a lot of practical teaching in them which he highlights nicely. In a volume this size, he doesn’t have space to argue the case for his interpretation of some of the gender-specific commands, but gives a brief defense of his egalitarian reading of them. For 2 Timothy, I prefer Stott’s BST volume, which better emphasises Paul’s passion for the safe handing over of the gospel. As one would expect though, Wright does an admirable job of highlighting some of the subversive use of vocabulary (e.g. good news, saviour) that challenges the claims of the Roman empire.

The Message of Psalms 1-72 – The Bible Speaks Today (Michael Wilcock) 3/5

There is a lot of material for a book of this size to cover, so don’t expect a verse by verse exposition. Given this limitation, Michael Wilcock devotes a surprising amount of space to discussing the historical situation behind the writing of each psalm. In most cases, of course, this is guesswork, but he makes some good cases for the links he proposes. The remainder of the space allotted to each psalm is spent considering the structure of the psalm, with general comments on each section. Another useful feature of the book is that during the early Psalms he highlights key words and phrases that will reoccur throughout the Psalter and provides definitions for them.

The Message of Thessalonians – The Bible Speaks Today (John Stott) 3/5

As with many of the BST volumes on shorter books, this one is more like a standard commentary with comments on almost every verse. Stott sees the overriding theme of 1 Thessalonians as Paul’s preoccupation with the gospel – its proclamation to the world and implications for the church. There is a useful and balanced discussion of the Parousia and rapture. Stott characterstically takes pains to differentiate between Paul’s apostolic gifting, which in his view is no longer available, and our current situation with the canon of Scripture complete.

The analysis of 2 Thessalonians continues along similar lines, with more teaching on the second coming and the problem of the antichrist to deal with as well. Again, Stott links Paul’s apostolic authority with his mandate to write Scripture which gives him an yet another opportunity to vigorously champion an evangelical commitment to the Bible.

Jesus and the Victory of God (N T Wright) 5/5

This substantial work, volume 2 of Wright’s “Christian Origins and the Question of God” series is widely recognised as a hugely important contribution to the “third quest” for the historical Jesus. Wright begins by surveying the recent trends in historical investigation into the life of Jesus. He takes the opportunity to provide a robust critique of the Jesus seminar’s findings (something that he has also done admirably elsewhere in various papers). He then proposes a method for examining the various accounts of the life of Jesus (the four canonical gospels, and the gospel of Thomas) with their stories and sayings and coming to an informed conclusion as to “what really happened”. Rather than, as many scholars favour, taking individual sayings and asking “did Jesus say that?” – which rarely leads to any kind of certain conclusion, he approaches it from a different angle. He looks at some of the key themes running through Jesus’ life. Celebratory meals, riddles, symbolic actions, remarkable healings, kingdom sayings and so on are to be found in “triple tradition” which gives us confidence that Jesus did actually do these type of things.

Wright shows how Jesus through symbolic praxis and subversive riddles predicted the downfall of the temple cult, effectively replacing the temple and Torah with himself. To answer the charge that many sayings or miracles of Jesus were simply invented by the early church to prove various points, Wright introduces the criteria of double similarity and dissimilarity which
he uses to gain strong historical footings in each of the categories he examines.

Having examined the teaching and praxis of Jesus, Wright slowly builds up his picture of what Jesus’ own sense of vocation was – arguing that we can determine this without needing to psychoanalyse him. He does this by working through the material that gives us insight into Jesus’ own worldview. The book closes with an examination of the reasons for Jesus death – moving backwards from the Romans’ intention to the Jews and then to Jesus himself. Finally Wright considers the question of the return of Yahweh to his people. Forgiveness of sins for first century Jews meant a real end to the exile – something that they believed had not happened yet. The pagan forces would be thrown out and the temple would be the focal point of God’s presence. But Wright argues that Jesus saw himself not just as a prophet announcing that return, but that in himself and through his suffering he was actually bringing that forgiveness – the end of the exile and a new kingdom where the temple was superceded.

This is a tremendously valuable book for gaining a stronger understanding of Jesus’ own sense of identity and calling, as well as appreciating the first century culture in which he lived. Many of the parables, “apocalyptic sayings” and symbolic actions (such as the cleansing of the temple and the last supper) will take on a new light as a result of his careful analysis. He ably demonstrates that we can approach the gospel records without prejudging them to be either infallible or full of myths and discover that they contain a great deal of reliable material purely on the basis of level-headed historical investigation. The extreme skepticism of many liberals is shown to be unwarranted.

The subject of the resurrection is reserved for the third volume in the series, which I hope to tackle soon (it has taken me over a year to read this one). There is a lively discussion group on Yahoo that talk about Wright’s writings, so ifyou read this book and have any questions you can ask them there. The fourth volume (probably on Paul) is eagerly anticipated, but due to his new role as Bishop of Durham it might be a while in coming.

August Book Reviews

This brings me right up to date. At the moment I’m working my way through some fairly long-term books (NICNT commentary on Acts by F F Bruce, Pillar commentary on Mark by Edwards, Jesus & the Victory of God by N T Wright).

Here’s what I finished during August:

Judges – Focus on the Bible (Dale Ralph Davis) 4/5
Just as good as his Joshua commentary, here is more of the same. He really brings the stories to life, filling in historical details where necessary. He doesn’t shy away from addressing the distaste we may feel for some of the Judges actions, and as usual bridges the gap to the 21st century with some relevant application.

Making Sense of the New Testament (Craig Blomberg) 3/5
This book sets out to answer “3 crucial questions”, each of which Craig Blomberg is well placed to answer. First, “Is the New Testament historically reliable”. Here he answers excellently, but perhaps too briefly. He has written a book on the Gospels, and one on John separately addressing the issue in much more depth. Second, “Was Paul the true founder of Christianity?” answers an accusation that has been very fashionable to throw at Christianity in recent years. His answer here is again consise, but should be enough to convince all but the most ardent skeptics. Finally, “How is the Christian to Apply the New Testament to Life?” is indeed a crucial question, but would be better served by a whole book on hermeneutics (e.g. How to read the Bible for all its worth by Fee & Stuart). Having said that, in the space available he crams a lot in, so if you are looking for answers to these questions and don’t want to read too much, this is the book to get.

If you want to walk on the water, you’ve got to get out of the boat (John Ortberg)

OK, I’ll admit I was prejudiced against this one from the start. Another lightweight Christian “best-seller” to tell you the 7 steps to a prosperous life. But I was wrong. Ortberg isn’t just an excellent communicator, he’s actually got something worth communicating. The book tackles the issue of whether we will “step out” and do something that seems risky but we know its right, or stay where we are, content with a safe second-best option. Following the story of Peter walking to Jesus on the water, he takes us through each step in the process. There are plenty of hilarious and fascinating illustrations that makes it a joy to read, and each chapter concludes with some well chosen questions to help you apply the teaching to your own situation. This is a good book to read if your life tends to be nice but a bit dull, and you’re wondering what the next step should be.

The Incomparable Christ – John Stott 4/5
This is vintage Stott, talking about his favourite subject – Jesus Christ. It is essentially a transcription of a series of lectures he gave. “The Original Jesus” goes through every book of the New Testament and shows how it brings out a particular aspect of his character. “The Ecclesiastical Jesus” explores 12 ways (good and bad) that the church has presented Jesus throughout history. “The Influential Jesus” describes the radical influence Jesus had on 12 people who themselves made great impacts on history. Finally, “The Eternal Jesus” looks at how the book of Revelation presents Jesus. The first three sections in particular are excellent, with the fourth a little bit harder to work through because of the difficult nature of the book of Revelation. However, if you want to “see Jesus” and to “see his glory”, then this book will help you to do just that. We need to see Jesus for who he really is, to appreciate all aspects of his character, and to rid our minds of any misconceptions of him.

June & July Book Reviews

During June & July I tried to finish some of the books I had bought at the previous year’s New Wine, so that I could buy some more this year with a clear conscience.

The Message of Isaiah – The Bible Speaks Today (Barry Webb) 3/5
Isaiah is a long book that is easy to get bogged down in. This BST volume acts as a guide, helping you to recognise the beginnings and ends of sections, to fit in the prophecies with the relevant historical events and to see some of the big themes. It also provides a beginners introduction to the question of multiple Isaiahs (deutero-Isaiah etc), giving reasons why this reconstruction of authorship does not necessarily need to be accepted.

Joshua – Focus on the Bible (Dale Ralph Davies) 4/5
This commentary is a breath of fresh air. Ralph Davies has a great writing style, and after reading the chapter of Joshua each day, I found myself looking forward to see what his comments would be on it. He writes with humour, and while he clearly has a lot of excellent background knowledge, never introduces it in a dull and technical way. He never takes his eye off the need for practical application either.

Healing and Deliverance – Thinking Clearly (John Woolmer) 2/5
In many ways this book was a fascinating read. Woolmer clearly has researched well and there are lots of interesting anecdotes. I couldn’t help thinking that his theology was more influenced by experience than Scripture, although he did try to find confirmation of those experiences in the Bible. He did not address the difficult issue of the possibility of fraudulent healing claims, and while discussing death in a helpful way, did not really say much on the themes of God using suffering or illness for his own purposes.

Don’t Waste Your Life (John Piper) 4/5
Here is a book to shake you out of your apathy. We all know that we have only got one life and that we ought to make it count. But if we buy into the world’s value systems we can end up living for things that have no lasting worth. John Piper, in characteristic style urges a war mentality on us – we’re in a battle, which means willingly making sacrifices to see the victory. Doubtless some will feel that this creates a secular / sacred divide where people are to feel guilty about having “recreation” time, because it is not frontline service of God. But wherever the true balance lies, one suspects that many of us need this wake-up call.

From Orphans to Heirs (Mark Stibbe) 3/5
This book deals with the often neglected theme of adoption as a Biblical description of our salvation. Important themes like relating to God as our Father, his choosing of us, our acceptance and inheritance as his children are all dealt with. If your status as a child of God is not something that you think of very often, then have your horizons expanded by reading this book.

April & May Book Reviews

A very busy couple of months of reading, during which I finished a lot of really good books

Does the Future have a Church (Terry Virgo) 4/5
This book basically contains a series of expositions of Ephesians 2-4, describing what church life is supposed to be like. It addresses head on the problem that large parts of the church are declining in the West. Having heard Terry preach a number of messages on this subject, reading the book is like hearing him speak. He talks about our salvation, grace, being the people of God, unity and apostolic giftings.

The Message of Eccelsiastes – Bible Speaks Today (Derek Kidner) 3/5
Ecclesiastes is a refreshing and fascinating book of the Bible, and this commentary really helps bring it alive. Particularly good is the way Kidner helps us to get a feel for Qoheleth, the author of the book, and the unique outlook on life that he offers.

James – Pillar New Testament Commentary (Douglas Moo) 4/5
The Pillar commentaries are excellent for people who want to go into a bit more depth than your typical paperback commentary, but not to get bogged down in too many technicalities. This volume contains the full text of James and is full of insightful comments and interesting findings from historical studies. Relevant cross-references to other ancient wisdom literature are discussed where appropriate. He deals clearly and calmly with the controversy concerning “salvation by works” ably demonstrating that the text does not in fact contradict salvation by faith.

Pursuit of God (A W Towser) 4/5
There are numerous places where you can read this book online – in PDF or HTML format, so launch google, and have a read. Its not too long, but deeply challenging. Simply put, this is a call to radical discipleship and total devotion to God. It will drive you to your knees in prayer. Its the type of book that you should come back to every now again and re-read one or more of the chapters. If you are going through a “dry period” spiritually, then this book can ignite a fresh passion for following after God.

The Discipline of Intimacy (Charlie Cleverley) 4/5
This is a great book on prayer, full of practical suggestions. Cleverley uses a number of examples of prayer in the Bible to teach on different aspects of prayer. I found I often had to stop reading and schedule some time for prayer. Rather than necessarily giving profound new teachings, often we just need reminding of what we already know – we should be giving more time to prayer, and the down to earth advice on what to say.

Seductions Exposed (Gary L Greenwald) 2/5
While this book has many good and practical pieces of advice concerning demonic influences that can come into your lives through occult practises, sexual immorality and so on, I can’t recommend it wholeheartedly. Firstly, he has some very highly developed theories concerning the supernatural realm that rest solely on one or two verses. Secondly, the approach can tend to legalism – rather than encouraging believers to exercise discernment he lists various objects and activities that are not permitted. But the book does at least bring up some issues that are often left undiscussed, so it may be worth reading just to inspire you to come to your own conclusions on these matters.

The Glory of Christ (John Owen) 4/5
This volume in the “Puritan Paperbacks” series is focused on helping believers set their eyes on Jesus, to appreciate his glory and respond in adoration. It has been abridged and slightly modernised, although it still can feel a bit archaic in places. Not quite as inspiring as “Communion with God” by the same author, but a must read for anyone who is interested in the Puritans. Owen works his way through the many different ways we can behold the glory of Christ, before directly challenging us as to our attitude towards him.

The Passion of Jesus Christ (John Piper) 4/5
Timed to coincide with the similarly named film, this book contains 50 reasons why Christ suffered and died. It is ideally laid out to read one page a day as part of your daily devotions. As you would expect from Piper, each reason is clearly justified from Scripture, and he doesn’t shy away from the more ‘difficult’ verses. The net effect is to leave you with a well rounded Scriptural understanding of the reason for the cross which will do more than improve your theology – it will inspire you to worship.

February & March Book Reviews

February and March weren’t quite such busy reading months. I won’t comment in detail as they’re not fresh in my memory any more.

The Message of Mark – Bible Speaks Today (Donald English) 3/5
As usual with the BST series, a good amount of attention is given to examining the big themes that run through the gospel, leaving you with the feeling that you know what the book “is about” when you’ve finished.

The Message of Proverbs – Bible Speaks Today (David Atkinson) 3/5
Interestingly approaches the book by categorising its themes rather than tackling each proverb individually. This actually proves quite helpful as you get to consider the full weight of each subject addressed, and prevents the commentary from becoming too longwinded.

January Book Reviews

I’m going to start this blog off with some reviews of what I have been reading this year, and what I thought of it. I’ll do it a month at a time to keep the posts from getting too long

Read in January 2004:

Streams of Living Water (Richard Foster)
Rating: 4/5 – Thought provoking and inspiring
Examines a number of “streams” or “traditions” of Christianity, evaluating their strengths and weaknesses, highlighting their particular emphases through examples of famous Christians from church history, and examines their Biblical basis. The Contemplative, Holiness, Charismatic, Social Justice, Evangelical and Incarnational traditions are each given this treatment. I found the biographical sketches very inspirational, and he ably demonstrates that each of these streams does genuinely have something to teach the others. The one possible weakness is that he overlooks the fact that many of these streams, and indeed the example people from them would have very serious theological differences between them. Despite this, I can highly recommend this book to anyone wanting to get a broader picture of the body of Christ. It also contains a very useful dictionary of significant characters from church history who fit into each of these streams.

The Message of Ruth – Bible Speaks Today (David Atkinson)
Rating 3/5 – Good historical insights and practical applications
As with all the BST series, this will help the general reader get a good broad feel for the message of the book. The necessary historical background is filled in, and the author is always looking to draw out lessons for us.

Matthew for Everyone Part 1: Chapters 1-15 (Tom Wright)
Matthew for Everyone Part 2: Chapters 16-28 (Tom Wright)

Rating 4/5 – Jesus the first century Jewish Messiah
The format of these two small volumes is ideal for working your way through the Gospel of Matthew at a rate of about a chapter a day. Each chapter is broken down into chunks of about 10 verses, which Wright has himself translated into English. He then comments on each section, starting with an anecdote, before helping us understand the verses in question in their original historical context. This is of course, Tom Wright’s speciality as he is arguably the leading evangelical scholar in his field of historical Jesus studies. Be prepared for some surprises as he doesn’t always interpret a passage quite how you had heard it before. After reading this, you will have a much better understanding of some of the key issues (e.g. exile, temple, Messiahship, kingdom) that are required to appreciate the gospels properly.

The Awakening (Friedrich Zuendel)
Rating 3/5 – The Lord moves in mysterious ways
This is a biography of a 19th Century German pastor, Johann Christoph Blumhardt who had to deal with a woman in his church who was demon possessed. This resulted in a rather unusual two year “fight” with the forces of darkness, before he saw breakthrough. As a result there was a tremendous spiritual awakening in his village. Some of his methods caused theological controversy at the time, and still raise issues today, but for Blumhardt himself, he was simply trying to do what was right in what for him was uncharted territory. This little book will certainly cause you to spend some time thinking.